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d21lewis said:
fps_d0minat0r said:
d21lewis said:
fauzman said:
I would have to go with Kratos. For one he is a god. Second he has died multiple times already and come back every time. Even if Dante or Bayo manage to kill him, he will just come back and kick butt.

Bayonetta can't die because, when the angels come to take her away, she just beats them up. Azur--excuse me--Asura (who isn't in the comparison but should be--died like five times in one game and just kept coming back stronger and madder.  I wish we had some sort of Dragon Ball Z power level thingy for game characters.


Also, with a power star, Mario wins easily.

kratos went to hell, beat the crap out of hades and came back like nothing compare that to beating up angels.

Bayonetta beat up god.  She punched him into the sun.

Kratos beat beat up gods. He ripped them to shreds.