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My favourite console of the seventh gen. It had its flaws, it lost some games to the competition and 2013 could have used some more games. But still, I love it.


My very first game was Kameo: elements of powers. I luv it, though it had its share of problems. Then it came Alone in the Dark, Splinter Cell Double Agent and Perfect Dark Zero (UGGGGGH).


Then Dead Rising, which would become one of my favourite games of all time. If I had to mention five games - IPs or series - that struck me hard with the 360 would be:

· Dead Rising

· Gears of War. Mind you, I found this series uninteresting until 2010 where a buddy persuaded me to purchase it (after he had finally bought a 360 and bought the second game). I chose to give it a try, and damn. I've been hooked to this series ever since. The third game is a masterpiece for me, and I played the games for the story. I like to disagree with anyone who says the saga has a bad story.

· Lost Odyssey. This game made me love JRPGs all over again, after losing interest in them. Thanks to it, I've played Last Remnant, Final Fantasy XIII, Infinite Undiscovery, Tales of Vesperia, Graces, Xillia,  Folcklore...ugh, almost every single JRPG. It is veeeeery slow-paced, though, so it's not for people who need to hurry constantly.

· Deadly Premonition. I've always loved bizarre games, and this one hit me hard. I loved it, every single part of it, even the annoying flaws. It eventually made it out to Ps3 and PC, but, oh well.

· Fallout. Over 400 hours between 3 and New Vegas.


Though I'd like to mention Alan Wake, Fable, Condemned, Deus Ex and Dark Souls, which are all gems too