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1. I really don't know; haven't been paying much attention to Pokemon's sales but I certainly hope you win just because of whom it's against.

2. Good chance of winning here but it really depends on how much PS4's sales slow down after the holidays. WiiU should at least outsell XB1 in 2014 but with PS4 it'll be the battle of massive 3rd party support vs system selling exclusives and a cheaper price.

3. Definitely a win.

4. Nah, you'll lose this one. No new console Zelda has ever been formally revealed and launched in the same year. Maybe Majora - I can't remember, but that was built off of an existing engine anyway. Zelda U is the most massive undertaking Nintendo has ever done and when you factor in Nintendo's slow transition to HD and the fact that it's pretty much a prerequisite for a new console Zelda to be delayed at least once, Zelda U launching in 2014 just ain't in the cards.