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Jereel Hunter said:

Since we're talking about a war, we can't take simple console sales into the equation - we have to take multiple factors:

1) Console Sales: Wii won PS3/XBox Lost (right now it's basically a tie)
The 1m difference between the 360 and the PS3 is hardly enough to call a single loser

2) Software Sales: Wii/360 Won, PS3 lost.
Wii sold the most software, I believe - but it's games also tend to be cheaper. 360 sold almost as much, and 80 million more units than the PS3

3) Overall Profit: Wii won, PS3 lost
Wii sold the most units/software, and all at a profit. it made billions off of this generation. PS3 is still working to break even for the generation. (360 is somewhere in the middle, they are profitable, but nowhere near Wii levels)

4) Mind share - absolute: PS3 won, Wii Lost
PS3 ends the generation with the most momentum, Wii started strong but ended the generation with no momentum at all. WiiU looks to be another gamecube.

5) Mind share - relative: 360 Won, PS3 Lost
PS2 ended its generation the undisputed king, everyone was going to buy PS3, the other consoles were to be a distant second once again. This generation, the Xbox emerged as a serious contender, and is viewed as pretty much on par with Sony's offerings. Nintendo entered the generation an underdog, surprised everyone, was popular for a time, and then dropped back to to irrelevance.

5) Market share - absolute: Wii won, 360 Lost
Enough said. Wii sold the most units, 360 the least

6) Market Share - relative: Wii/360 Won, PS3 lost
GB and XB combined to be 1/3 of the PS2's sales. Sony entered the generation with all the momentum, all the top exclusive franchises, everything in their favor. They were expected to lose a small % of market share, but maintain dominance and likely keep over 50%. Instead, they went from around 75% to around 30%, and they might hit 35% by the time the PS3/XBox stop selling. They moved from a position of dominance owning a third of the market. Meanwhile Wii and 360 took that lost market share.

Overall, I'd have to say that Wii won, both in absolute and relative terms, it did the best overall. 360 is the runner up as it both had massive gains during the generation and end with plenty of momentum. PS3 lost, as they largely blew their advantages and allowed their competitors to actually... compete. However, they enter this generation with the most momentum to swing it back in their favor.

Agree, sounds very reasonable.