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Gamerace said:
I'll tell you if 360 gets Jade Empire 2, KOTOR 3 and Diablo 3 on top of ME 1-3 and Fable 2. RRoD be damned, I'll have to have it. Or get an upgraded PC... 360's cheaper though. Damn RRoD.

Still that'd be awesome though.

It's definately going to keep ME1, and I'm guessing it will at least get ME 2 exclusive because MS traded in publishing rights on the PC version in return for ME2 exclusivity.  Fable 2 is exclusive and there was a strong rumour two months back that Jade Empire 2 was in development exclusivly for the Xbox 360 (exclusivity locked in before EA aquired Bioware and now they have to honour the contract).

So let me know what your LIVE ID will be? 

starcraft - Playing Games = FUN, Talking about Games = SERIOUS