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Looks like the Xbox One is having even more problems with the hardware than the very small percentage of people with PS4 problems or the bent hdmi issue due to damage during shipping. Only problem is this crowd is the most vocal and most likely to write a bad review. It scared one of my friends into waiting. Sony says it's less than 1% that have any problems which is well within the range for new tech.

Looking like the Xbox One may have more problems in # of, but MS says its also a small percentage. This if from IGN:
"Other new Xbox One owners have reported numerous issues to the Xbox support message board, including concerning issues with disc drives (making a grinding up noise and not playing games), unusual sounds coming from the machine, more spontaneous system shutdowns (an endless cycle of crashing and rebooting), missing pixels, and blank or frozen screens. Others can't get their systems to start in the first place."