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Dv8thwonder said:
@Twilord I could give a rat's ass on how you feel about my attitude. Your opinion doesn't negate the cold hard facts that 3D Zelda is why the series remains relevant in the home console space.

Wind Waker is kiddie bullshit and should be seen as such. Aonuma has neutered modern Zelda fans with his pretentiousness for far too long. Ironically, I don't think he has the balls to create anything of value to Nintendo as a developer. He is a hack.

I fully agree that 3D Zelda is vital to home consoles. But come on man, you know your opinion is no more a reflection of reality than me, because what is best for Zelda is subjective. I mean do you know how many people love Wind-Waker? It wasn't remade because it was hated. ;)

Sorry for being so aggressive with you, it bugs me alot when people are pushing their way as the only way. I mean TP is down there with Zelda II on my least favorite Zelda's for example but I wouldn't say you're wrong for wanting an upgraded version of that style.