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gmcmen said:
why are you guys even bothering replying to megafenix it's obvious he has no idea what he's talking about, its all fanboy speculation that's impossible.

like if 35GB/s for wii u edram bandwidth wasnt speculation lol(even 70 or 130GB/s is still speculation)

makes no sense since that would mean only 512bits edram that even gamecube packed more than a decade ago

makes no sense since ports would be impossible, sure the xbox gpu and edram were separated by an external bus of 32gb/s, but the rops were inside the edra and had full access to the 256gb/s of bandwidth, dude, nubers dont even match

here you can confirm that, just look for the render outputs and you can clearly see that they are inside the edram, thats why they have full access to the edram bandwidth of 256gb/s, the reason why the gpu didnt have full access to the edram is due that was in a separate die and had to wait the edram+rops for their delivery, but the wii u gpu and edram are both in the same die, so obviously there is no external bus and so there is full access from gpu to edram bandwidth

xbox 360 edram+render output units(rops)


if wii u edram was really 32GB/s then devide tht with the rops, texture units, etc, clearly makes no sense

at the very least you need 4096 bits to have soething like 282GB/s, that should prove to be enough but only for resolution

thats why 8192 bits sounds ore logical, since 563GB/s is enough for resolution, tetures, vertex data, etc

it complies with renesas arguents about wii u edra being latest technology

it matches the stateent from shinen taht wii u edra has lots of bandwidth to the point that its scary

it also makes snese sionce 10 egabytes of 256GB/s only enough for framebuffer of 720p like microsoft stated and admited that is only for that and cant be useed for textures or vertex data or anything else except resolution or mssa, etc


besides, shinen mentioned that with wii u edram you just require 7 megabytes for 720p with double buffering, yet with xbox you need the whole bunch of 10 megabytes for that, this kind of suggests that you get the same bandwidth of those 10 megabytes of edram(rops have a bandwidth of 256ggb/s with the edram since are in the sae die) with just 7 megabytes of wii u edram


i dont see 563GB/s to much or impossible, come on, even sony said that he was aiming for 1 terabyte of bandwidth using edram


here,k sony both says 1 terabyte of edram and also explains why they decided not to use edram and instead increased both the amount and bandwidth f the gddr5


PS4: Sony Earlier Thought About Slow GDDR5 + eDRAM (1088GB/s)


The PS4 has a super fast memory architecture in GDDR5 which is capable of 176GB/s bandwidth, however, Mark Cenry has mentioned that they had thought about an alternative memory architecture.

As you can see in the above image on the right, one of the so called memory architecture they had thought of was going with was GDDR5 memory with 88GB/s bandwidth which is slower than the one they finally went with, along with a small amount of eDRAM which provides a bandwidth of over 1000GB/s. That sounds great doesn’t it? But Cerny said that it would have been difficult to code for it in a straightforward way and developers had to come up with a separate technique to take full advantage of it.

The Xbox One features a small amount of eSRAM and offers the same functionality of high bandwidth to make up for the slow DDR3 RAM.

That’s the main reason Sony chose the memory architecture on the left of the image. The high bus and a unified memory at a 176GB/s would have made it really easy for developers to code for and it was their philosophy to provide a simple architecture with the PS4. Cerny said that the 256-bit bus GDDR5 bandwidth at 176GB/s  ”is quite a lot”.

He revealed that the third-parties had demanded a unified memory architecture with a powerful GPU. This is in complete contrast with the PS3 which had a fairly weak GPU in the RSX and a divided XDR memory. Sony had originally planned to go with just 4GB GDDR5 but certain third-party developers managed to convince them that it was a really bad idea.

