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fatslob-:O said:
megafenix said:
Pemalite said:
megafenix said:



pealtie vs renesas

pe,altie vs shinen

sorry, cant believe hi, besides, gaecube had 512 bits of ebedded eory

adecade and only 1024 bits?

yea right

xbox 360 was 4096 bits, anywhere below that is bullshit

8192  bits its the right answer, didnt shinen already schooled youa nd your friend?

renesas latest technoplogy to the point aking it its difficult at other place

shinen saying that wii u edra andwidth is huge and scary

For the record I don't contradict shinen or renesas, you just don't seem to understand that it's the internal bandwidth that's being discussed.
The external bandwidth, that connects the eDRAM to the GPU and/or CPU is substantually lower.

Allow me to break it down for you some more, again.

With the eDRAM you have a bunch of functional units, think of these as peoples houses, in order for all the functional units to talk to each other and pass on work you need a big fat and wide road to connect them all, that's where the internal bandwidth comes into play.
Typically, internal bandwidth is stupidly fast and low latency. (They come with different implementations such as a Ring or Hub bus etc')
However once it comes time for all the work the functional units have done to be passed onto the GPU it needs to exit a much much much slower toll booth on a smaller, skinnier road.

how can the be an extrnalk bandwidth if the wii u edram is in the sae die as the gpu?

just look at the difference dude

gamecube edram or 1tsram embedded in the gpu gives 10gb/s

and thats only for 1 jegabyte


the wiiu edra is packed in the sae die with the gpu just like gaecube had its ebedded emory in the gpu


there is no external bus in the wii u edra with the gpu, the access its straightfowar, just ike xbox 360 rops had full access to the edram  256gb/s since they were on the sae die, the same applies to wii u gpu with the edram, the wii u gpu has full accessto the edram internal bandwidth

LMAO @ the spelling errors. Boy you need to go to school to learn english and the best place to do it is probably the UK. Bwahahaha.

sorry dude, is not my english, is the keyboard taht is not working properly thanks to my cat

the laugh on you actually

there is no external bus, is direct connection

wii u gpu has direct access to the edram bandwidth just like the xbox rops had full access to the edram of 256gb/s


1024bits doesnt figure as an option for many reasons

1.- gamecube was 512 bits, after more than a decade and only 1024?

2.- 1024 bits doesnt even give the bandwidth i can obtain with just 4 megabytes of the old embedded memory of gamecube

3.- ports would be impossible since the ain ram doesnt hafve uch bandwidth

4.-1024 bits is not renesas latest technology, its 8192 bits

5.- 1024 bits doesnt give you tremendous bandwidth as shinen prices wii u edra, in fact even falls short to todays standrads, even copared to main ram


no, miniu has to be 4096 bits to ake ports even possible, but is very likely to be 8192 bits according to renesas,. shinen, and others


if i need to learn grammar, you need serious schooling on math basics and logic