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FrancisNobleman said:
fatslob-:O said:
megafenix said:

well, is not me you should get angry

is shinen, why dont you tweety them about what you think of their comments?

Once again I had already addressed the issue a few pages ago. Shin'en is obviously damage controlling much like how cevat yerli did it for the X1 when developing ryse son of rome. The one who should be angry is you and a few other nintendo apologists like yourself and eyeofcore because they were being partially dishonest about the capabilites of the WII U. 

Microsoft paid Crytek to make the game, and since they pretty much knew the game was mediocre, they better begin "lying" about what's going on.


Shin'en is not in Nintendo's pocket. They're doing this game and promoting it as good looknig because they want. They don't have in any way, to lie like Cevat. And considering Shin'en past works, I think it's safe to expect something better than Ryse, not that's actually much hard lol.

This doesn't mean that shin'en won't exaggerate the WII Us performance.