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Let's say that the polar caps completely melted tommorow, and there was no more land.


Would we, as human beings, sprout flippers and gills to keep up with natures changes.

 Enviornmental changes don't take thousands and millions of years like "evolution" or specialization is claimed to take. If a supervolcanoe were to erupt 10 minutes from now it would take only hours, or days, for it take have global ramifications that very few species could handle.

If you believe in evolution, then you belive we, as a species, would adapt or begin to physically change to live in our new enviornment that was forced on us by nature.

I do believe some species learn to adapt to their enviornment but I just don't buy the notion that fish felt the need to live on land, so they just "decided" to change and grow a pair of legs and lugs to do so.


I wanna be able to fly like Superman and swim like Aquaman, but I still don't have any gills and I still can't fly.....which is  a crying shame considering some of these gas prices here in Alabama.