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curl-6 said:
fatslob-:O said:
curl-6 said:

I would agree it's not really pushing the system.

Later games like Monolith Soft's X, and perhaps the game this thread is about, FAST Racing Neo, will do that.

@Bold I have a sinking feeling that they won't deliver on their premise. Hopefully they can make it more impressive than nano assault neo or otherwise I'll get disappointed. I want to have a AAA experience on a low budget so let's hope that shin'en can deliver alot of content to the table as well. 

 A 5 man team isn't going to be able to produce all the trappings of a AAA blockbuster, they just don't have the manpower.

It's pretty much guaranteed to a look a lot better than Nano Assault Neo though. Not only was NAN made when they had no experience with the hardware, but it was built on their old Wii/3DS era engine whereas FAST will be built on their new second gen Wii U-specific engine.

I could care less for top notch voice acting and story but atleast give me alot of content. 

I don't want a game that just looks better! I want a game to have more content for my money while also being enjoyable too. Both forza 5 and killer instinct were disappointments because of the lack in content, not techincal showcases! Forza 5 looks like a current gen title and killer instinct is in 720p but that's not the issue! The most important parts of the games are enjoyment and replayability. If shien'en can't deliver alot of fun content then i'm going to be disappointed because of it.