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curl-6 said:
gmcmen said:
curl-6 said:
gmcmen said:
curl-6 said:
gmcmen said:

And do you think nintendo fans really care, sure they argue about te wiiu being  much more powerful then currentgen, just to to feel better out the wiiu purchase but they really don't care, just look at 3d mario world, its a nice looking game by all means, but nothing close to being top tier when you compare it to 360/ps3, yet nintendo fans feels it nextgen cause its mario, finally in HD, now replace mario and put knack in those mario 3d world pics and everybody would be saying how ugly it is.

No, people say Knack is ugly cos it looks bland, while Mario looks colourful and lively.

honestly both look bland as hell, mario 3d environments looks pretty barren, and the heavy use of bloom feels like its 2006 again. I'm not a fan of all the shaders and depth of field they shit on the screen. It screams "we finally have shaders".  sonic generations looks so much better then both that it makes me sad, i expect mario galaxy 3 to match sonic genertions graphically and if they can do it at 60fps then that would be a dream come true.

i disagree. I think 3D World's use effects like of depth of field and rim shading produce a nicely soft, luminous look that's quite  pleasing to the eye. Big fan of the bold colours and rain effects as well.

Galaxy 1  & 2 push the Wii much harder than 3D World pushes Wii U, yes. I mostly put this down to their inexperience with HD level development and programmable shaders.

But I still think 3D World looks nice:

i would say mario 3d world is not pushing the wiiu at all, sure it looks nice, but graphically it was a big disappointment for me.