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RolStoppable said:
My review is up. Here is the link, so nobody has an excuse for missing it:

Why do you not like the DS Zeldas? Personally thought Spirit Tracks was awesome.

But for Phantom Hourglass, it's probably one of my least favorite. No memorable dungeons since they are so easy, you fly past all of them. Also rolling by doing a circle motion was really stupid. All in all, the game just felt like a lesser Wind Waker. The only new addition was controlling by touch but that feeling of novelty wears off pretty quickly.

Spirit Tracks was original. Had new and cool items. Dungeons were actually somewhat challenging. Story is good. Tower of Spirits is one of the best dungeons in a 2D Zelda game. Controlling the different types of Phantoms with Zelda is fun and unique to the series. Had an awesome soundtrack. It was an improvement to Phantom Hourglass in every way. There is a lot to love in my opinion. The bad thing was sometimes when you are traveling by train and you encounter those enemy trains, they can get REALLY annoying.