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more than 70gb/s wont alliviate the problem with the other things that wiiu has to hadle?

dude, you sound so ridicuolous to the point is not even funny

wii u edram was not concieved only for framebuffer like xbox, has also other purposes like textures, a scratch point were the cpu can do some intense works since the edra is faster to access than the maion ra, a point in which the cpu can pass its results to the gpu instead of going all the way to the main ram to do that stuff, etc


now you are gonnea tell me that 563GB/s would bottleneck the gpu just like that sorry guy from neogaf called begassin told me so

i dare you, say it, lets see how much you actually know about pc hardware and gpus

come on, are you afraid?

say it


i learned more fro renesas, shinen, my career on copute science and tech forums of cpus and gpus, thanks

i am not forcing you, if you want to drawback fine, but if you say this i wont hold back and will kick you sorry ass once and for all