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more poor excuses and bullshit from this suppodly tech guy

selecting 1024 bits over 8192 or even 4096 bits when xbox used the 4096 bits alost a decade ago

saying the wiiu edram has 70gb/s for the full 32 megabytes eventhough renesas doesnt support 2048 bits to obtain that

stating that 70gb/s is good when even by today standars one can get 51.2gb/s with main ram of ddr3, and we are talking about embedded memory in the gpu die

he keeps his claims even thoug both renesas and shinen say otherwise

troll, you are pathetic


you go as far as saying that even more bandwidth wouldnt alliviate problems when clearly is not true

edram bandwidth is not just for framebuffer like xbox used it for, is also to store textures, have a share point with the cpu so that the communication would be faster than instead of using the man ra, and more

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