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megafenix said:
fatslob-:O said:
megafenix said:

thought you were smarter than that, or maybe you are but just decided to play fool when its not convenient

very well


4096bits * 500mhz/(8bit*1000) = 256GB/s


thats how you get the internal bandwidth of the xbox 360 edra to which the rops have full access, then when the rops finish the job they pass the result to the GPU frame buffer through an external bus of 32GB/s


so clearly no portcan work with the bandwidth you are claiming, and its also very strange you fail to provide more bandwidth than what i can get with just 4 megabytes of the old gamecube embedded memory on the gpu with a brand new edram


so, tell me, how did you get the wii u edram bandwidth?dont forget its embedded directly on the gpu, no external buses so please

lets see, eyeofcore suggested that you are claiming 512 bits wide edram for the wii u right?

512 bits edram * 550mhz gpu / (8bit* 1000) = 35.2GB/s



yea right, two strikes dude, one more and you are out

renesas doesnt support 512 bits, go to their website dude

Memory SizeConfiguration
(word x bit)
Random Access
64 Mb 256 Kw x 256 b 133 MHz 1.1 V ± 0.1 V 0°C - 105°C
-40°C - 125°C
8 Mb 32 Kw x 256 b 220 MHz 1.1 V ± 0.1 V 0°C - 105°C
-40°C - 125°C
8 Mb 64 Kw x 128 b 220 MHz 1.1 V ± 0.1 V 0°C - 105°C
-40°C - 125°C

Contact Us


just to let you know, Mb are megabits, just in case you didnt know


8 megabytes macro of 256 bits

1 megabyte macro of 256 bits

1 megabyte acro of 128 bits


can you please do the honors?

wii u edram its 32 megabytes, so...?

Again when did I ever claim the bandwidth to be 35.2 GB/s. You clearly made a strawman argument there. 

The gamecube had 3MB of embedded ram! My god, how can an apologist like yourself not know about the company's hardware that your obviously biased to. 

BTW  The WII Us reported embedded ram bandwidth is 70.4 GB/s which gives it a bus width of 1024 bits.

The one with strikes here is you, clown becuase your clearly some stranger who hasn't proven his own grounds yet on this site. 

How about solving the volume integral of 2x + 2y where the boundries for both x and y are -1 to 1 ? (This is something any engineer could and even including prospective ones too! You gonna cop out on this one or what ?) 

You sound like some fraud getting overly defensive about a PC master race's evaluation of your beloved WII U. 

and  you say you are not a troll claiming 1024 bits when the old xbox had 4096 bits?

70GB/s, yea right

renesas said that wii u uses their latest technology,

fro 1024,4096 and 8192 whcih is latest to you dude?

shinen also says that wii u edram bandwidth is huge

come on dude, even by today standards like ddr3 of 50GB/s, 70GB/s fall short considering we are talking about embedded edram directly in the gpu die


also, shinen comented that with just 7 megabytes of edra of wiiu you can do 720p with double buffering while with xbox you need the full 10 negas for that, and even miocrosoft admits it


so no, anywhere below 4096bits is bullshit and trolling

obviously the right choice and the must logical is 8192bits, given siomething like 563GB/s

My god, you need some tampons man and I really mean it! Your seriously that hurt over another master race's evaluation of the WII U ?!

It sounds about right because afterall the X1 is using 32MB of integrated SRAM which is significantly faster than integrated DRAM. You have a problem with 70 GB/s or else prove me wrong otherwise. Why does the WII Us eDRAM have MORE bandwidth than intel's eDRAM for iris pro 5200 ?! That doesn't sound right to me for a bleeding edge manufacturer like intel to have a lower bandwidth than what the WII U features for it's relatively small die size. If anything it sounds like the eDRAMs bandwidth may actually be 35 GB/s. 

@Bold When did they say that ? Provide me a source or otherwise. They did not disclose the numbers just so you know because the word "latest" means newest BTW but it doesn't mean more "powerful". We all know the GT640 is the newer card yet it's weaker than the older hd 7770 so your point about latest is moot. 

That 50 GB/s figure only applies to multichannel set-ups. 

Who cares about shin'en! 

The one bullshiting here is you obviously because none of these things add up. 

I'm straight up done talking to an apologist like you. Go and take this up to pemalite to see if he'll say anything different from me!