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Cryoakira said:
timmah said:

HEY! *knock knock*! Anybody there?? Did you read my earlier post?? We don't just bring 'our own faith', and where's the evidence you're bringing? All I've heard so far from you people is attacks on the intelligence of creationists and bigoted notions of what 'all of us' are like. That's your fatal flaw. You don't want to debate anybody on the merits of their arguments or positions, just to group us all into one big group of blind morons and write us off without so much as using one bit of intelligent debate to do so.

I'm done with this thread, as I see there is nobody here who is willing to actually debate (not insult and demean).

Edit: @dabaus513, don't expect too much actual debate on this issue. You're right, most of the self-proclaimed 'open minded' ones are the quickest to lump people into a group and insult them in order to avoid real debate when they don't agree. Notice godf basically said we aren't even worth talking to and should be ignored. You just can't debate people like that, they have nothing of any substance to say at all. Notice that nobody has actually countered a point, but just regurgitated biased insults on the 'stupid creationists'.

I read you. And I wonder what you do about those millions of scientific proofs about

- the age of our planet and the formation processus (a slow one) that are observe across univers.

- the dinosaurs bones spread all across the planet. Are they all fake ?

- the human bones that spead over a 2,4 millions years era, showing various shapes and form of our body across time. Are they all fake ?

- The physical changes of humanity during a period as small as 1 century.


If being a creationist is about ignoring all these FACTS to choose some obscur theories made by a religion that is barely 2k years old, then don't expect me to call it "sane" or "intelligent". 

 It's not.

Um... when did I deny any of this?? I didn't even discuss this. For one, if there is a god and he is of infinite power and ability, he could create the universe with the appearance of age. Second, we don't know for a fact that all these formations you talk about HAVE to take such a long period of time. Large geophysical events (such as Mt St Helens) can create large formations in a very short period of time. Third, carbon dating is the general way dates are decided upon, but carbon dating is notoriously unreliable. The same substance can return results that are wildly different during different tests, the most likely dates are kept, and the unlikely ones are disregarded. Problem is, the scientists preconcieved ideas of how old an item should be make this method flawed.

How in the world do dinosaur bones disprove creation? That makes no sense at all. The book of Job in the Bible describes what appears to be a dinosaur, and medieval drawings of dragons, chinese drawings of dragons, etc give the possibility that some dinosaurs were around at the same time as humans. Why could God not have created dinosaurs?

The 'missing link' fossils are in no way conclusive. Most are very incomplete (a skull, a few bones, etc) and are recreated by anthropoligists' best guesses. A long extinct ape could easily be mistaken for a humanoid animal. Without DNA testing, it's not possible to tell for sure whether or not they are really 'missing links'. As far as the 2.4 million year thing, refer back to carbon dating. I'm not claiming that these fossils don't exist, just that they're not conclusive.

When did I ever deny physical changes to the human species, and why is it assumed that a created species could not undergo physical changes? I think the ability for a species to adapt shows the absolute brilliance of the creator and how he designed an adaptive genetic code for changes in living conditions.

What?? A religion that's only 2k years old? The creation story goes back to the Jewish religion (WAAY older than 2k years) and even back to one of the first known civilizations in the fertile crescent. They had 'The Epic of Gilgamesh' as their creation story. Check your facts.