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Legend11 said:
Gballzack said:
imagine that a relationship is like a highway and a woman's emotional needs are like pitstops. A female driver will always stop at every pitstop but a male driver will drive as far as he can before pissing himself. That's about the difference right there.

You're pigeonholing all guys when there are some that know about the pitstops because of trial and error in past relationships or just have a connection with their significant other where they know by instinct what the right things to do are.

 Actual lesbian relationships are full of fights like any other. Being both women, they fare better in some points, while in others passions and temper flare more offen. Lesbians for instance are far more protective about their partner, so jealousy ensues. Most women tend to rationalise that because women are more in touch with their emotions and their self-image than us men. Being the jerks that we are, does not help either. But women are as insencetive as men in L. relations, if more so. 

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