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naznatips said:
Lone_Canis_Lupus said:

Just like you can't emulate PS1 games with just software...or NES, or SNES, or N64. A lot of time and dedication needs to be given to software emulators, they aren't done over night. It's not "impossible" for PS2 games to be emulated on the PS3. The 40GB still plays PS1 games and while the PS1 is much easier to emulate, it's because a lot more time and work has been given to it over the years. The 80GB only has the PS2 the main processor(EE chip) isn't absolutely neccesary. What needs to be done is emulate in a way the PS2 games can be compatible with the PS3 GPU.

Though Sony has already stated that they are spending that money on the PS3 itself instead of working for PS2 BC. If they took the time and money(which would take a lot of it) to program a software emulator for it, at least a half-decent one could be made. The homebrew community when it comes to emulation of the PS2 hasn't gotten very far...but they have shown it's possible. Even if they were to only get 1 PS2 game emulated on the PS3, that would still prove your "it's impossible!" statement wrong.

Maybe not that decent, but we have emulated PS2 games on the PC. And it would be possible on the PS3. The question is whether Sony will actually put money into it or not.

Even the 80GB doesn't do full software emulation, because full software emulation is extremely buggy. There are a multitude of issues with games on on the 80GB as it is because partial emulation still creates issues. If the PS3 tried to emulate PS2 games without the GPU by complete software emulation the issues would make the vast majority of the game library unplayably buggy.

It's not impossible because an emulator can't be run on the PS3, it's impossible because a good emulator can't be run on the PS3.

 Now you're taking it out of context. You said it was "IMPOSSIBLE" to program a software emulator. You didn't give any specifics as in "good", just impossible. Watch what you say. And even PC emulators haven't reached that perfection for PS2 games...they have glitchy issues as well. The 80GB emulator isn't "perfect", software emulators usually take a lot of time to achieve something like that. It is decent though and will play most PS2 games...even if some glitches with the emulation show up.

 Given enough time and work, a really decent emulator can be run on the PS3 as well as the PC. The PS2 was only 300mhz, so recent PCs and the PS3 definitely have the power....just a lot of time on perfecting an emulator is needed. As HappySqurriel said, this Cell could probably handle a full software emulation of the PS2, it's just not an easy task and would take a LOT of work. Software emulators are never easy to make, a lot of time and work really does need to be put into them...especially when trying to emulate a system of a different architecture. 


PSN: Lone_Canis_Lupus