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You're putting words into my mouth, like I said, I was referencing Soundwave's chart, not each system's LTD in their entirety.


All I'm saying is, it seems you're putting way too much emphasis on single titles being killer-app system sellers without evaluating other factors. Again, the 360 had millions of PS2 fanboys pissed off at the PS3, with a ground-up next gen exclusive ready to welcome them with open arms in November 2006. Had Gears been released before Sony's colossal balls-up at E3 2006, there's a good chance it would've slipped under the radar and we may have been looking at a drastically different breakout hit. Despite how people feel about the PS4 and XB1 at launch, they will not be looking at the Wii U as a viable alternative.

I'm not putting any words in your mouth. You explicitly said that, because the N64's biggest peak was in December 1997, Mario 64 couldn't explain the N64 doing well in its first year. And you said it in response to me saying that Mario 64 was the N64's biggest killer app - which is supported by the fact that it sold 11 million copies.

And the whole discussion, here, is about THE FIRST YEAR. Because that's all we have for the Wii U, to compare with other consoles. When we compare it with the N64, the key differences are the presence of a system-seller and release relative to other consoles of the generation. If we compare it with the 360, the only differences are that the 360 wasn't the computationally weakest of the consoles for its generation, and MS went on an advertising blitz - both differences that also apply when comparing the Wii U to the N64.

What I always find funny about certain elements within the gaming community is that they always dismiss Nintendo's chances, talk up Sony and/or Microsoft when they struggle, and reject any sort of reasoning that contradicts their pre-created narrative. You have completely ignored every point I've made, and sought out any little detail to justify your own misguided belief, like pointing to second-Christmas sales to argue against Mario 64 being the biggest system seller on the N64 - a fact that I've never actually heard anybody claim before - it has to be the most ignorant argument I've *ever* heard in the history of the console war absurdity, and that's saying quite a bit.