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Let me first say that I don't care much about low scores. Scores, to me, are so subjective that they're almost meaningless. I also have no idea if Polygon is biased or not. There is circumstantial evidence pointing in that direction, yes, but certainly not enough that I would simply assume it's true.

What I do care about, on the other hand, is the ability and credibility of the staff members who are actually writing the articles that appear on the website.

With that in mind, the Killzone: Shadowfall review posted on Poloygon, written by Arthur Gies, was one of the worst reviews that I've ever come across from one of the major gaming publications. I have no idea if the writer if biased against Sony or not but he made it crystal clear in the first paragraph that he has never liked Killzone.

What follows that is just a very bad article that I could not take seriously. Not because he didn't like the game but because it was obvious that he did not want to like the game and was actively looking for things to complain about. He attacked it for "failing to evolve," whatever the heck that means. He attacked it for having a different feel than most FPS games, then attacked it for being too much like CoD. In the name of all things cat, he complained that the enemy kept shooting him.

By the Power of Greyskull, goddamn.

So, seriously, biased? I dunno. Pro-Microsoft or anti-Sony? I dunno. Lower scores than elsewhere? I don't care.

Nonsensical reviews that come across as something written by an angry pre-teen? Yeah, that's not my thing. I don't really care about all the drama, I just avoid Polygon because I haven't been impressed with the quality of their work.