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So I finally got the chance to set up my PS4, which arrived from Amazon last Friday. I  was fighting an internal battle on whether to keep it or sell it on eBay. All the talk about defective consoles from Amazon and bad HDMI ports made me want to sell it and wait till they iron out issues with the hardware. So I held off for a bit and preoccupied myself with other things.

Every day that PS4 box would look at me and tempt me to open it. I was getting ready for bed last night, it was around 11pm. I looked at the PS4 box one more time before I headed to the bedroom. I just couldn't resist it anymore. I tore that bitch open like a wild beast. The PS4 box was pretty banged up to begin with. It was packed really good in the Amazon box with lots of bubble wrap. So I was dumbfounded at how that box came to be that way. Maybe warehouse employees playing catch.
Looking inside the box, there was barely anything in there. Kinda felt a little cheated on how there wasn't much junk in there to eventually toss on the floor and throw in the trash later. Just the console on one side and to the right a small compartment with controller and cords.

I pulled the PS4 out and unwrapped it. There was some dust on the glossy portion of the PS4. I didn't want my new toy to have any specks of anything. So I wiped it off. Ohhhhh fuck!!! Rubbing my finger across the glossy part to take the speck of dust off, put some hairline scratches on it and greasy fingerprint marks. I tried to rub off the fingerprints with a soft cloth. More fucking scratches... Made me sad for my new baby.  I said to myself, "How the hell does a soft cloth scratch hard plastic." After the heat dissipated from my head from the anger, I said, "whatever I don't care anymore"

Next thing to do was to plug it in. I placed the PS4 at it's new spot on my entertainment center. Pulled the plugs out of the box and proceeded to hook them up. Power cord went in nicely. Then I tried to plug the cord into the power strip. Are you kidding me? The cord doesn't even reach. I wanted to place the PS4 on the very top of my 4 foot entertainment center, because it was now top dog. I also wanted everyone to see it and be jealous. Apparently the cord is way too short and it had to settle being on the second shelf to the bottom. fine whatever. Now lets hook up an hdmi cable. Hmmm.. no hdmi cable or components even. Ok, Xbox 360, I guess you will be giving yours up. I proceeded to plug the hdmi cable in. I needed to be really careful, because I've heard these might break or something. So I put my hand on the left side attempting to hold the console stable while I plugged the hdmi in. And then..... Wobble. My other hand had the hdmi cable half way in and the thing wobbled.. good thing it didn't break the connector. This time I put my hand on the right side as I secured the hdmi.

Next, the controller. Ohhh boy, this thing is sexy. Fits in the hands nice. Can't wait to try it out. I plugged it into the PS4 and was ready to go. The cable is short, which sucks. So I had to sit on the floor as I set it up.

Turned the PS4 on. Crossed fingers for no brick. Then this soothing music fills the room. It was so mellow and made me relax. So relaxed that I immediately needed to take a crap in the bathroom. It's that good..

Setup was a breeze. Update was quick. Game downloads were quick. Transferring PSN ID was easy.  UI is snappy. Love it. It just felt a little cold in it though. Not much stuff to do yet.

Time to test this badboy out. Started up Resogun. Loaded quick. Time to play. First thing I noticed and knew would be awesome, the controller talked to me like it was the ship. Love it!!!!! Only messed with it for 10 mins. It was already 12. 1 hour to set up, went by quick.

Ok, not yet... I need to keep playing. I set up my Vita to remote play. Very easy and it looks damn good. Left the PS4 on and went to bed. Started up remote play and got sidetracked into watching twitch feeds. Fell sleep.. when I woke up in the morning the PS4 had an orange light. I was worried it died or something. Turns out it put itself into sleep mode.... Awwww... PS4, I love you. Even with your scratched up glossy surface and wobbleness... *tear*


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