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Metrium said:
F0X said:

I hate to break it to you, but much of the talent behind the Prime series has left Retro.

Though a 2.5D Metroid game (and not the Other M type) could be in the cards at least. If not Prime 4.

And what ''type'' are you talking about exactly? What is this ''Other M type''? The gameplay was great, the atmosphere had the perfect amount of creepy and loneliness and the graphics and artstyle looked great on the Wii. If they made a new 2.5D Metroid, I sure damn hope it's alot like Other M, but with a better story. The story was it's only flaw, it's a important aspect yes, but not enough to bitch about it as much as some ppl are and dismiss everything this game has done.

My main problem with Other M's gameplay stems from its control scheme, which felt simplistic to a fault (and often clunky). It's also one of the most linear entries in the Metroid series, and while linearity isn't an inheriently bad thing, it does dampen my urge to replay the game. If the story was decent, like Fusion's, I wouldn't mind it so much. But as it is, Other M isn't God's gift to speedrunners, or even a brilliantly structured experience, so I tend to think of it as a huge step back from Super and Prime.

But it does have some good ideas which could be expanded and refined. I wouldn't be opposed to revisting its mechanics, provided that the overall design philosphy is different. A better story would be nice, but I'd prefer sticking to the series usual minimalistic form. :P I don't see much of a point to creating a more cinematic Metroid game, because the series would be best served by focusing completely on nailing a tense alien atmosphere, and such presentation doesn't require larger budgets or skilled voice actors. A simpler, more compact narrative can be just as good, if not better, if the writing is quality and the storytelling method doesn't get in the way of the overall experience.

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