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Soundwave said:
Nintendo should take the Other M engine, beef it up for the Wii U in 720p, and make a new game out of it centering around a different bounty hunter in the Metroid universe.

Just make it a straight up bad ass action sci-fi game. And get someone decent to handle the story stuff.

But attaching the Metroid legacy gave that game too much to live up to. As an action sci-fi game taken on its own merits and ignoring the cheesy writing of the plot, the game wasn't that bad honestly.

That's a great idea, shut the bitchy fanboys who are still QQing over Other M since this is not a Metroid game. Shut the sony/m$ fanboys who keeps yelling that Nintendo can't do new IPs. Could bring new fan to the Metroid franchise and keep the Metroid fans entertain cause despite not being a proper Metroid game, it would certainly grab their attention.

But for a Metroid spin off game, I feel it should play different than Metroid to suceed. Maybe a online focused FPS (with a deep campaign offcaurse) where you play a soldier of the Galactic Federation.


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