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Soundwave said:
Nintendo should take the Other M engine, beef it up for the Wii U in 720p, and make a new game out of it centering around a different bounty hunter in the Metroid universe.

Just make it a straight up bad ass action sci-fi game. And get someone decent to handle the story stuff.

But attaching the Metroid legacy gave that game too much to live up to. As an action sci-fi game taken on its own merits and ignoring the cheesy writing of the plot, the game wasn't that bad honestly.

I'd liteally not like to ever see that happen. Know why? Because while Other M absolutely deserves a ton of shit over the horrificly bad story and even worse portrayal of Samus, what I personally REALLY hated about the game, and what made me feel like I wasted my money on a pile of shit (and hence traded it in), was the craptacular game engine itself. The minute I heard that Team Ninja was involved with it, I instantly had reservations, knowing how dreadfully shitty their 3D Ninja Gaiden games play, from floaty, frustrating platforming, to bad camera, to shitty physics and hit detection, shoddy combat, you name it. And guess what? Even though I tried to stay optimistic and give Other M a chanec anyway, I was proven tragically right. The game sucks, period, for the gameplay and controls moreso even than the shitty story.

I do not want to ever see another game like that published by Nintendo. It's best to forget that game ever happened. Out of ALL the great properties and ideas Nintendo could/should bring to the Wii U, Star Fox, F-Zero, Wave Race, Battalion Wars, Pokemon, Chibi Robo, Mother/Earthbound, a Super Paper Mario sequel, you name it.......another Other M type game should be nowhere on that list.