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Wow, even Destructoid, which has been handing out 9's like candy, gave it a 5.

Regardless, I'm sure there are people out there who will like what Ryse brings to the table. The multi-player sounds alright, in any event. A shame about the campaign, though, honesty, red flags have been going off for me for a LONG time. They never would show off anything about the story other than the main character, never would get into any elements of the narrative except in a very ambiguous way, like that video about general who came back to take revenge on those who betrayed him. Seemed really shifty to me.

I'll be upfront, though, and say that the premise of the game never appealed to me from the start, so I'm going to abstain from judging too harshly. Anything that attempts to paint the Romans as some kind of noble people fighting against the evil barbarians is just too much for me to swallow. I would much rather be on the other side. Had this game been about sacking Rome, I would have wanted it, shallow combat be damned.