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F0X said:
Locknuts said:
curl-6 said:
Locknuts said:
 this has at least restored my faith in how DK might turn out.

Surely Retro's track record is reassurance enough? They've never made a bad game before.

I know, I know.....just......Metroid is what I wanted.

I hate to break it to you, but much of the talent behind the Prime series has left Retro.

Though a 2.5D Metroid game (and not the Other M type) could be in the cards at least. If not Prime 4.

And what ''type'' are you talking about exactly? What is this ''Other M type''? The gameplay was great, the atmosphere had the perfect amount of creepy and loneliness and the graphics and artstyle looked great on the Wii. If they made a new 2.5D Metroid, I sure damn hope it's alot like Other M, but with a better story. The story was it's only flaw, it's a important aspect yes, but not enough to bitch about it as much as some ppl are and dismiss everything this game has done.


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