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All those threads trying to hype it…New Ryse trailer, new gameplay, amazing and brutal combat, will have more depth then videos show, more Ryse, Ryse live action. And my personal favorite - Ryse is as fun as dialing phone numbers..

OT – With all the hush hush and embargo for this title, everyone knew it was going to be a review disaster. Hell, even Francis/Boogie2988 wasn’t allowed to say a word about it in his video with Major Nelson. Why bother keeping a bad game secret like that? So people won’t cancel their pre-orders at the last minute? Well that’s not going to work, gamers are smarter then Microsoft give them credit for as I am seeing a lot of feedback today and people cancelling their pre-order and excercising the right to vote with their wallet when shady business ethics are in effect. Here’s an article from yesterday that probably got a lot of hits and I fully agree with it.