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shikamaru317 said:

This review may not even end up on Metacritic, they didn't add his 5/5 review for Forza 5. Also, Rev3Games has mentioned before that the way that they review games (5 stars) doesn't neccessarily convert well to a 100 point rating system like what is used by Metacritic. The 5 star rating system is a holdover from Adam's time on G4, I'm not really sure why ke kept it instead of moving on with the rest of the journalism industry to a 10 or 100 point rating system. Also, I don't think that Rev3Games gives half star reviews, so this could have been closer to a 2.5 and got rounded down to 2.

The 5 star system is a joke. Doesn't allow for precision reviews. It's completely flawed. This guy is a idiot. I'm keeping my 5 star cause I can....

5 Star system is great the 1-10 system is floored, where everything below 7 is Shit these days., having 6 ratings for differnt qualities of shit and only using 4 to cover average to good is a stupid system.