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Not trying to be rude but some people are in clear denial. The Wii U is selling worse than the Dreamcast, and while the DC had to compete with the PS2 launch around this time in its lifespan the Wii U has both the PS4 (which has already probably outsold it in NA and is sure to be a beast in Europe and Japan as well) AND the Xbox One which will primarily be going after the North American market. I don't doubt Nintendo's relevance, I feel the company is the most needed of the three but let's be honest, with this competition there is only so much Mario can do.

People are saying the Wii U owners will be burned by this but to that I ask... what Wii U owners? The barely 4 million? I'd wager there is a huge chance of that being mostly core fans such as myself and you all.

Now I for one agree it would definitely be an uphill battle re-entering the generation in the 2015 holidays even with a console more capable than the other two, but let's be honest if anyone could do it, it's Nintendo. They are a marketing powerhouse (though clearly they are in a creative drought with the Wii U marketing) and they have the most beloved franchises in the industry. If say this holiday season fails to be a turnaround for the Wii U, I don't see any reason why they shouldn't try again in 2015. Now I'm not saying completely abandon the Wii U, I think they should keep supporting it with titles already far into production/ smaller titles and indie titles. Then just port development of Smash Bros 4. and probably Zelda (we all know it's gonna get delayed anyway) over to the new console as well as titles early in development and just come out with guns blazing in 2015. Go ahead and get the third parties they know will support them (Ubisoft, Activision, etc) on board and don't skip even the shortest beat with marketing.

I know it sounds like I'm a hater, but I'm really not. I am a huge fan of Nintendo and honestly most of this criticism is because I hate to see the company in such a dire situation and I want them to do better, try harder- because I know they can. The Sega comparisons are ridiculously misinformed statements... the two companies are in MUCH different circumstances and it's also a much different era of gaming and technology in general.