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Of the games I have played since picking up pre-order:

Need for Speed Rivals - 89/100

AC4 - 83/100

Resogun - 94/100

Killzone: Shadow Fall - 82/100

Contrast - 64/100

Warframe - 75/100

Blacklight Retribution - 58/100

Based on my scores 77/100 for full release lineup.

Resogun completely steals the show. It is the best PS4 exclusive right now, and one of the best games I have played in a long time. Pretty much neverending replay value. I hope they make new level DLC packs as there are only like 5 levels. That is the only minimal nitpick in an otherwise flawless game. Killzone has incredible graphics and decent shooting. I love the fact that the campaign is actually really hard on hard. The new multiplayer system in Need For Speed is also top notch. Whoever came up with the seamless integration between Single and multiplayer is immensely skilled. The way it handles mp needs to be experienced to be appreciated. It kills. AC4 is a great game. Like many AC games the main plotline and missions are so/so, but this game separates itself by having side activities that are so entertaining they could eat up dozens of hours. Contrast is a really cool idea but I feel the actual gameplay and execution is somewhat flawed. Warframe is pretty neat. I like transitioning between cutting people in half and gun shooting. This game has great graphics also. Blacklight Retribution is sort of a downplayed nowereh near as good Counterstrike clone. I havn't played it that much but it seems kind of boring. I have been told that it is way better once you get better weapons / equip.