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theprof00 said:

They'll need all the hopeful wishing they can get. UK is xbox country. You know for a country that has so much in common with Japan (primary diet of fish and tubers, rainy island country, expensive tiny housing, weird fetishes, bad teeth) it's strange how totally opposite they are when it comes to the consoles. Good luck Sony!

As a Brit I've got to say what you've just said was a load of bullshit. Except for occasional fish and chips on a day out during the summer, our diet is far from "fish and tubers", in fact seafood is so expensive and difficult to prepare that most of us don't bother. We have occasional salmon but that's considered luxury and is imported from abroad. 

Yes the weather is wet and windy but we rarely have heavy rains like I would imagine Japan having. It just occasional light showers but because the weather tends to be grey and gloomy 6-7 months a year it gives the impression of raining all the time while it is not. Our houses aren't tiny, it depends on where you live, places like london are of course very expensive but its no where near crumped up like in Tokyo.

Bad teeth? Maybe in some remote of the country where the majorities are farmers and.... well, I doubt they visit dentist even once a year. Our NHS health care might be not entirely efficient but most of us aren't that ignorant of our health, my teeth are very even, healthy and pristine, thank you.

Weird fetishes? I'll leave it to you to elaborate on that one. 

Edit: UK is an xbox land because most of the brits here directly relate to Americans as their distant counter parts, not to mention the youth here is heavily influenced by American media like Hollywood. On top of that, both the US and UK are heavily militarilised countries, the british youth share this shoot first, fist up attitude to most problems in their life and how they view most of the world's problems in general. Shooter is the most popular genre in this country and xbox is still viewed as the shooter's console.

Also UK isn't as tolerant towards the east as EU in general does. Most people here relate themselves closely to America, American products and companies.

Intel core i7 930 OC @ 4.0 ghz

XFX Double dissipation Radeon HD 7950 356 bit 3gb GDDR5 OC @ 1150 MHz core + 1575 x 4 memory

Triple channel DDR 3 12gb RAM 1600 MHz