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jake_the_fake1 said:
I't s amazing how all the wii fans become so defencive when someone says anything negative about a wii game.

Seriously, the OP played it, was disapointed by it and is now expressing his opinion from the disapointment he had, and there is nothing wrong with that see as it's his opinion, unlike some who say "RE4 looks awesome and has amazing controls" and claim their opinion to be fact.

::sigh::   Of course its opinion.  I claimed it was fact huh?

 And @ TheRealMafoo  It's just kinda weird that you claim to not be bashing the Wii, yet make the thread "the first disappointment on the Wii" rather than "I was disappointed in RE4".  And that you said the Wii makes the controls less bad than any other console, but before that said

"Anyway, I was hoping for more from RE4. I will use my Wii for what it's great for, and play the PS3 for everything else (until Gears of War 2 comes out anyway :p) 

No console can be all things I guess :) "

If Wii made the controls for a game you don't like anyway, better than anything else, then why would you say that?

Tag: Hawk - Reluctant Dark Messiah (provided by fkusumot)