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TheRealMafoo said:

Well, I have had my Wii for a little over a week now, and I have to say that I am loving it.

I have been playing the hell out of Wii Sports, and I got SMG and enjoy that.

I borrowed a copy of RE4 from a friend of mine, and I have to say I am not impressed. I really don't like the controls (what I expected to be good about the game), and the graphics look horrible (I am used to PS3/360 stuff).

I know this is a PS2 port from 3 years ago, but I forgot just how far we have come in those three years.

On a side note, I do enjoy the Game Cube games I missed, and oddly they don't look dated. I think the cell shading, cartoony styles of Nintendo games really hold up well over time. They look goofy, but they look the same level of goofy 5 years later (a good thing). Kind of like what World of Warcraft did. Artistic style holds up better.

Anyway, I was hoping for more from RE4. I will use my Wii for what it's great for, and play the PS3 for everything else (until Gears of War 2 comes out anyway :p)

No console can be all things I guess :)

I'm going to go cry myself to sleep, your words of criticism for the greatest game of the decade cut me to the bone 


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