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Podings said:
Frequency said:
Licence said:

Well, you are technically correct, but reminds me of a story:

A farmer took his gun and, from 100 yards away, took a shot at a wall. Then he went to the wall, and painted a circle around his bullet hole. After the fact, he invited his friend over and told him: "Look how accurately I can shoot over 100 yards!"

So yeah, the PS4 did, in one single weekend, outsell the WiiU's entire year. It sounds incredible. But maybe if we select the weekend more accurately (like maybe compare the PS4's launch weekend with the WiiU's launch weekend?) we get a more ... justifiable comparison.

If by justifiable you mean comparing a unified global launch with a launch on one single continent, then sure.....

If you want it to be truly accurate, then by all means, wait until the weekend after japanese launch in february, add up the totals from each first weekend and compare it to the weekend totals of WiiU.. and you'll have your accurate comparison, of course, it isn't going to be the comparison whos results are the ones you were hoping for.

Don't be smug about it.

Of course unified launch numbers will be higher for PS4 than Wii U, a system that wasn't advertised and that nobody understood why they would want.

He was just pointing out the meaninglessness of comparing yearly sales of a system with launch numbers of another one.

Of course, it does outline the abysmal sales of the Wii U, but people have been pointing and laughing about that for six months now, so it's hardly a clever observation.

Exactly. Is it really so much to ask that we compare apples with apples?