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Nintendo games will always have great ways to innovate gameplay. Thats why many mario games sell so well. Look at Mario Kart wii. That game sold more than all the halo games combined! This is why some people are so stubborn to jump on the PS4 & Xbox bandwagon because they like FPS games coming out the ass! IMO, FPS games are boring.  Sony and xbox always try to copy what nintendo is doing.  Nintendo came out with the wii remote and sony made something similar later.  Nintendo came out with Nintendo TVii, and sony and xbox is doing the same now.  Wii u has a touchpad on their controller, sony put one on theirs too and it looks generic.  Nintendo has mario kart then sony comes out with little big planet kart.  NIntendo has SSB, and ps comes out with their weak ass playstation allstar.  Sony cant innovate shit.  Nor can xbox!  Its a proven fact!  Innovation sells!