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jlmurph2 said:
DakonBlackblade said:
jlmurph2 said:
Seece said:
ghettoglamour said:
Lococycle has a better score than Knack? Well fuck me, then. Hilarious.

I think Knack deserved to score higher, it certainly looks better than Lococycle.

People knew what to expect with this $20 Twisted Pixel game, a $60 AAA launch title was supposed to be better than what Knack was.

Thats the thign Knack was never an AAA game, Cerny was pretty upfront about it. Its probably a fun game but ultimately meh. Im more concerned with the fact that were going into a very big game drought, nothing comming for either system till next year after launch, if you ask me Id say both companys rushed the launch and it botched the launch line ups a bit, it couldve been a lot better, with Second Son, Drive Club for PS4, a complete KI for One and Watch Dogs for Both (probably even more stuf for both realy).

Ok well let me rephrase that. A $60 RETAIL GAME. But yes we know they rushed the systems to have them out for Christmas. It makes a difference which one has good enough games to hold us off until 2014.

Thas the 360 or the PS3, neither the One or the PS4 have enought decent games to hold us ogg until 2014.