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Azerth said:
guys i know crimson dragon isnt getting good reviews but it needs to sell well so we can get a phantom dust 2 (no conformation that the game will be made but theres a better chance if this game does well that ms would want to work with him again)

Penny Arcade have implied (full info not out yet) that Crimson Dragon's microtransaction system is terrible

From there article

"Crimson Dragon is going to be its own story, because my God… they’re trying to sell you a free-to-play game for $20, and it’s pretty despicable. I don’t often walk away from games because I find the monetization so galling, but this time I put the controller down in disgust after a few hours. That’s just not an experience I want to have, and we’ll talk more about that in another story."

So I really want to hear more about this.