Frequency said:
I drew up the lists TO POINT OUT HOW SIMILAR the overall offerings for each console were, i.e. "whichever console you pick, you're getting a decent launch selection', so kindly stop trying to remold it into console war ammunition. |
Stop trying to call me a fanboy without saying it, mods aren't stupid you know.
My whole point is that the launches aren't on par, XB1 has more games, that are better rated. 3 x 8 game averages is what you call twisting the truth, as I explained to pezus (Yes I know it wasn't what you were talking about).
Gonna post my list again. No point in including multiplats because they're gonna score the same (COD already has).
XB1 - Forza
PS4 - Resogun
XB1 - Dead Rising 3
PS4 - Killzone: Shadow Fall
XB1 - Killer Instinct
XB1 - Zoo Tycoon
XB1 - Powerstar Gold
XB1 - Ryse (sure it'll score higher than 67 ...)
PS4 - Contrast
PS4 - Knack
XB1 - Crimson Dragon
XB1 - Lococycle