Seece said:
Hynad said:
Seece said:
DakonBlackblade said:
So as expected the X One line up sucks as much as the PS4 (some good games nothing great some crappy ones). We all knew however is buying either of these machines at launch (me included) is buying them for the machines themselves cause the line up seemed pretty weak and has been confirmed to be so by the reviews.
KI is around 8, DR3 is around 8, Zoo Tycoon is around 75. Forza will do 85+ and Ryse is unpredictable.
Better launch line up than PS4.
Resogun is above 80, KZ is around 75. Pretty similar so far if you ask me... -__-
So PS4 will have 2 games above 75, Xbox One will have several, gotcha!
OMG how come everything gets turned in console wars. Both launch exclusive line up are average at best, MS wins by the sheer fact they have more games and Forza will probably get a great score cause its a tried and true franchise already but the best launch game by far is Assassins Creed Black Flag and the real good games are comming next year and basicaly nobody gave a damm about the launch exclusives cause it was known in advance that they were kinda week for both system.