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There's the top 50, your most underrated, favorite games of this gen, etc, what about the most overrated this gen.  Add atleast one game per system that you've played on, unless you haven't played much of anything on that system, then skip it.  Also only name a game if you've played it atleast a fair amount, so atleast a few hours or more.  List Metacritic scores if you want.

I won't be adding the Call of Duty series because I think most people agree that it's overrated. 

Playstation 3

Tomb Raider (86)
Fallout 3 (92)
Ni No Kuni (85)
God of War 3 (92)
Assassin's Creed series (low 80s to 90s.)
Mass Effect (Xbox360 91)

Xbox 360

Halo 3 (94)
Halo 4 (87)


New Super Mario Bros Wii (87)


Pokemon Diamond/Pearl(85)
New Super Mario Bros (88)
Nintendogs (83)
Dragon Quest 9 (87)


Crisis Core Final Fantasy 7 (83)