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leo-j said:
Sam Yikin said:
kingofwale said:
touch choice... do I pay 400 bucks + 3 years contract with AT&T

or do I use that to get a PS3

well, the choice is obvious.

I have an IPhone, but it will never be anything more than a phone/ipod.

1. A contract with AT&T is NOT required at all for owning iPhone games.

2. If you're a dedicated gamer interested in a console then getting the PS3 would be a good choice. But if you have no interest in a game console at the moment and want a versatile mobile device instead, than the iPhone would be a good purchase. It's all about what fits your situation. 

You do know if you want the iphone at $399.99 you need to form a contract with AT&T, if not it would cost signifcantly more.

On topic:

F#ck my PSP, Im getting an 8GB Iphone, Best phone Ive ever "touched".

Hm, you're right, but remember that the iPod touch can ALSO play these games, which is a much less costly device.