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jacks81x said:
greenmedic88 said:
Darth Tigris said:
Only time will tell.

Even then, knowing any concrete numbers or percentages will be impossible. We still don't know how widespread the DRE's on the PS2 or the RRoD's on the 360 actually were, just estimates.

That being said, the problems are real. Hopefully they are truly isolated and not indicative of a larger problem.

I'm going to have to go with the wait and see approach. 

It's pretty easy to sort through FUD and determine who is really telling the truth. Given the high profile nature of the release and this new fangled thing called social media, word gets around pretty quickly among trusted circles. 

It's ridiculous to think that there are no problems; every piece of hardware has a rate of failure, however small. Of course it still boggles my mind that any hardware that's supposedly tested at the factory before being boxed and shipped could arrive DOA, assuming no damage in transit. 

My guess is most of the reported cases are caused by the misaligned piece of metal in the HDMI port as reported by Kotaku.  Mine arrived and wasn't working.  Was about to call customer service when I saw the article on Kotaku.  Checked the HDMI port and sure enough, a tiny piece of the metal was lifted up when it should be laying flat.  Fixed it and now my PS4 is working just fine.

That's a pretty important bit of info that needs to be disseminated, given how a seemingly catastrophic hardware failure could be nothing more than a ten second user fix.

I haven't had any of the reported problems with mine, but it's still a good piece of information to know.