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Woah woah woah. People take me the wrong way.

In what way have i stated hate for Gay people?

In what way have i declared myself the ultimate Christian?

In what way have i rejected ones who aren't the same as me?  i strive to be like Jesus. Has he rejected a soul?

In what way does the Bible contradict itself? Or have you the lack in mental capacity to read between lines?

A true Christian is Jesus. The only example for perfect christianity. I am not a true Christian, but at the very least i dont go against what was written. In the end, don't dare try and tell me that Gay is approved and not detestable by God. That would work on others, but not me.  I have no intention of attacking other people. Just don't go out saying that being Gay is righteous in Christ. I don't care whether or not your Christian. Just don't lie to the world like that. 

 In Christ all is welcome to those who accept him. If God is the Word, and the Christ is God then Christ is the Word and to not believe in the Word is not believing in Christ which eventually leads to something called sin, which is hell-bound. Those who are gay, no real Christian would hate them. What is a Christian who hates? But a homosexual who declares homosexuality as an act that is as righteous as heterosexuality in the name of Christ doesn't know what they're taking about. dpmnymkrprez, i appreciate in what you are trying to do, but i disagree with it. 

i know, that many of you will just take my words as crap, but at least it was said. When it comes to Gay People, get rid of the gay, but love the people. This is where i stand. Call me crazy, ignorant, dumb, elitist, or whatever. This is the truth and i told you. Satan is the Prince of the Air, or the ruler of this world system. His words speak louder to you than mine. Christ is the Prince of Peace, or the ruler of Heavens and Earth. His words too speak louder than mine. 

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