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gebx said:
Lone_Canis_Lupus said:
gebx said:
Username2324 said:
gebx said:
Username2324 said:
gebx said:


Look, HD-DVD is dead...what other HD format is there? Think for a minute. Only 20% of the population have HDTVs right now...but when they all get HDTVs, if they wanted it for HD in the first place...they're going to want HD stuff. Ok, if this is all too much for you to take in, breath in slowly and just remain calm. DVD isn't HD, it is only 720x480. You got that, right? So, if they want HD...what are they going to turn to? What's left of course. HD-DVD is dead, and all that is left as a physical format is Blu-ray, which does 1080p.

As the HD format, Blu-ray will eventually dominate over DVD. Not any time soon, it might take a few years...but for entertainment, the market will move to Blu-ray. Though I still see DVD doing well for a while just like VHS did when DVD came around.

Just because threads are created on Blu-ray doesn't mean this is a HD-DVD vs Blu-ray forum. It's a Video Game forum...that's what this site is for, VIDEO GAMES.

As for the spin speeds, that's for reading BLU-RAY discs. Reading an actual DVD will be the same speed as if you were reading a DVD. Like a hybrid will still have a laser capable of reading will have the same capable speeds. Just like your DVD player can read CDs at speeds you could read CDs on just CD players. Make sense?

Of course they will never make a 360 game on Blu-ray...just like they never did with HD-DVD. There would be no point as the 360 is already stuck with DVD9. That would be like making an external Blu-ray drive for the PS2 and making a PS2 game on Blu-ray...there is just no sense in it.

I've never said HD DVD was coming back (but I get your point), but as you mentioned, its going to take years, and we have no idea what technological leaps will happen in the next two years concerning drive space, IPTV, or internet connections.

For example, how will the United States moving to an all digital cable TV distribution in Feb 2009 for cable television affect internet access?? (Hint: thats the same shit that can handles broadband internet)

Question about the Bluray hybrid comment - Can current Blu Ray drives read DVD's at a comparable DVDx12 speed?

 Yes, example(look down at the specs):

 And just because you hear about Blu-ray reading at 1x or 2x doesn't mean it's slower than DVD...that's a misconception. For DVD at 12x, I believe the transfer rate is at around 16-20mbps or something like that...while with Blu-ray, the transfer rate at 1x is 36mbps. And 2x is 72mbps. The stuff people hear about Blu-ray being slower for load times isn't because of a lower transfer rate, it's most likely because of larger files needed to be loaded for HD gaming(files being compressed on 360 discs). Though the faster reading toward the outer edge of the disc is true for ALL discs...including DVD.


Not the best word to use but close enough...essentially a hybrid, red laser for CDs and DVDs and blueish laser for Blu-ray...same difference. 

PSN: Lone_Canis_Lupus