I don't want to believe Micosoft forced parity conspiracy. BUT when you look at the facts, they are troubling and confusing:
- COD Ghosts SP is pre-patch 720p post-patch 1080p but the MP has always been 1080p
Most of video shown on big websites on Internet (and reviews material) were taken from the SP so it would indicate that it was the developer choice for parity marketing bullshit because why not gimp MP also?
- Assassin's creed pre-patch 900p post patch 1080p
I incline again to the publisher for reviewing purposes and not deter X1 fans from the game altogether but here it looks like it is Microsoft forced because remember the first leaked opinions of Ubisoft about the PS4 and that their games could run easily 1080p30fps on PS4 and 900p20fps on X1. Seems to me that Assassin's Creed was always 1080p30fps on the PS4.
- Battlefield 4 900p.
Here it is tricky because you would say well, it is neither Microsoft forcing parity nor the publisher who is afraid of loosing X1 customers (who would not buy a PS4 for the game anyway). But here I will explain to you my more crazy conspiracy theory than OP: Remember when the first videos of reviews of this game come? Most of people could not (on still images) really say PS4 version was better and even though (myself included) that 720p X1 was better looking than 900p on screenshots.
Well guys. My conspiracty theory is that, in my opinion, the 720p consoles version DOES look better on screenshots than PS4 900p because the developer deliberately gimped the game with an horrible, awful, catastrophic, pure, unaltered gaussian blur worse than any Quincunx or FXAA nightmare you could have. It is the "soft blur" noticed by DF myself included that is still there on the current version of BF4 confirmed by Digital Foundry recent tweet. On some images, BF4 on PS3 looks sharper than on PS4, I wish I was only kidding.
Want more proof?
In the end those 3 developers (publishers guided) did gimped (with 3 different bullshit excuses/scenario) the aformentionned games just in time for the pre-reviews ,what a divine coincidence.
P.S. It is My BF4 conspiracy theory. I invented and copyrighted it.