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Mr Khan said:
gmcmen said:
KylieDog said:
Mr Khan said:

Gotta stop you there. It did not "sell on Wii because it was on Wii", no, no, no. Games like Mario Kart Wii and NSMBWii *sold* Wiis.

Don't tell me you honestly believe those sales were all system selling sales, for one thing NSMBW is easily the most budled SMB game since original SMB.  The only thing stopping it getting bundled more were Mario Kart, Wii Fit and Sports Resort bundles which were the only bundles you'd ever find at retail for years.  For another it was people who owned a Wii with a lack of third party games needing something to play, those 10m it sold in first 10 weeks were not new Wii owners.

NSMBU shows how much of a system seller the series really is, 2.2m in a year, counting people who didn't neccarily buy a WiiU for 2D Mario.

Wii system sellers were motion controls and Wii Fit.

sadly this is the truth that many don't want to believe. you have the mario and luigi bundle which are being avertized as 2 games from ninatendo and a zelda wind waker bundle, and the wiiu hasn't managed one month over 100k in the npd chart this whole year. people expect mario 3d to boost sales when NSMW on wii sold 4x more then mario galaxy 2.

Your frame of reference is very confusing. Wind Waker is a remake, and those never do great as system sellers. 3D World is coming off the back of 3D Land, which remains an underestimated killer app for 3DS. NSMBU, as i said elsewhere, struggled because Nintendo oversaturated it, and 3D World is looking the most ambitious since the original Galaxy.

listen i love my wiiu but it sold 51k last month, with a price cut the month before that and a NSMW and SMWL bundle and a zelda windwaker bundle we can hope mario kart and 3d mario save it, but the writing is on the wall, the games that are moving consoles are thirdparty games now and they established there home base on 360/ps3.