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kuraobi said:
@Username2324 :
You can't say that BluRay will replace DVD when the numbers show the BR at less than 2% market share. Lots of formats never became standard. Minidisc never became a standard. Neither did Laserdisc, VCD, WMA, AAC, MP3pro, SACD, DVD-Audio...
All of these had interesting features, some had nice retrocompatibility etc... but none of them never became standard.
When I see how hard it is to explain to someone what a BluRay is, and when I see how good DVD-upscalers can make really nice pictures, I'm really not sure at all that the BR will ultimately replace the DVD.
You raise a point, but one thing you forgot is WMA, AAC, MP3pro, DVD-Audio, none of those are solid formats, those are ways of encoding things, Blu-ray is a storage disc.

Now, maybe a DVD-Upscaler doesn't seem too bad compared to 720p, but when you consider you're getting a DVD-Upscaler and a HD movie machine, it sweetens it, and the difference between an Upscaled DVD and a Blu-ray in 720p is very noticeable and even more noticeable in 1080p. I repeat, Blu-ray will become the standard, you can go ahead and quote me on that.