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HappySqurriel said:

Current manufacturing lines are stretched to the max - Bob Hurley, with Sony DADC, says that Sony is churning out 200,000 UMDs a day and future capacity is expected to be 500,000 per day. 'Tiger Woods Golf is my personal favorite [game], but video has been surprisingly good to us,' says Hurley. In a few years Sony expect videos to be more than 60 percent of all UMD sales, with an expected 130 million UMDs being sold in 2008

Now, I'm not trying to do a direct comparison between UMD and Blu-Ray but I thought that this was a good way to demonstrate a very obvious point ...

Blu-Ray and HD-DVD stand alone player sales have been pretty unimpressive since both formats were released, and HD-Movie player and movie sales did not approach a level that hinted that it would one day become a sustainable movie format until the PS3 was released with a Blu-Ray player inside of it. I don't want to get into an argument on what percentage of people bought a PS3 as a games only device, or what percentage bought it as a Blu-Ray player, because I believe that PS3 owners bought a PS3 to use it as both; of PS3 owners I know, most bought it because the PS3 was supposed to become a popular gaming maching, Blu-Ray was supposed to become the popular movie format, and they really could use a High Definition media center extender.

One thing that has yet to be demonstrated is that Blu-Ray has much appeal outside of the techie early adopter crowd, in particular the techie early adopter crowd who has an interest in High-Definition television and in videogames. This is important because it determines how popular Blu-Ray will be as players hit $100 knowing they will be in direct competition with $25 upconverting DVD players that have a massive movie library and you can pick up DVDs for $5 to $10; on top of this it begs the question of how much real value to the customer a Blu-Ray player would add to the XBox 360 being that it could not take advantage of the hardware in game, and they already have a High Definition movie format through downloads on XBox Live.


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